Atlanta Asbestos Testing Labs | Asbestos Testing Services Atlanta Georgia

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Atlanta Labs Offer Different Protocols

Samples gathered by Air Allergen or sent to Air Allergen for asbestos testing are sent to a commercial asbestos laboratory that has been accredited by NVLAP for analysis of bulk samples by Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM), the EPA method most commonly used by asbestos labs for identifying asbestos containing materials.

While the PLM method used by most asbestos labs is cost effective and sufficiently accurate for an initial analysis, it is not as sensitive as the point count method for asbestos content near the regulated threshold of 1%. At Air Allergen, samples identified with PLM as having an asbestos content between one and two percent that are suitable for point count analysis are resubmitted to the asbestos lab for the more accurate point count method. This reduces the risk of incurring an unnecessary and potentially significant abatement cost when compared to using an asbestos lab that relies on PLM analysis alone.

Air Allergen has a small amount built into its prices for point count analysis based on previous sampling done at Atlanta asbestos labs. Therefore the point count analysis is done automatically at no additional charge, which can be a significant savings when compared to an asbestos lab that charges separately for this service.